19 Nisan 2024 Cuma

The Celebration of the Passion was done in Iskenderun, led by the Patriarchal Vicar Efram Maluli

The Orthodox faithful in Iskenderun who will celebrate Easter next weekend are participating the Holy Week ceremonies. In this context, on the Tuesday evening, the congregation got together for the occasion of the mass of the Passion of the Lord, led by the Patriarchal Vicar and Bishop of Seleucia Mgr Efram Maluli.

At the beginning of the month, olive branches with holy water have been blessed and distributed to the congregation by Bishop Maluli.

The Parish Priest Rev. Dimitri Yildirim also attended the ceremony. 

“Life is a scales, and it is Jesus Christ who holds the scales. We determine where we are going with our choices. Either we go down the path of Jesus, like the sinner who washed Jesus’ feet, and dried with her hair, or like who betrayed him like Judas who sold him in exchange for money. This is entirely our choice. As we follow the path of Jesus, let us not fall into sin. We shall pay attention to our choices in life and always walk in the light of Jesus, in the light of his teachings.”Bishop Efram Maluli said in his sermon.

(SAT-7 TÜRK / İlyas Edip Terbiyeli-İskenderun)

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