19 Nisan 2024 Cuma

Iskenderun hosted the City of Mary (Mariapoli) gathering of which the theme was “sainthood”

“Mariapoli (City of Mary), which is the activity of introducing the ‘Mutual Love’ movement to all the people, was held in İskenderun once again. This year’s theme of Mariapoli was ‘Journey to Sainthood.’

Approximately 40 people from the neighboring provinces met in the Catholic Cathedral of Iskenderun. The event endured for 2 days. The participants of the Focolare movement who came from Istanbul and other participants from Antioch and Iskenderun carried out a number of activities.

During the meetings, the videos of Chiara Lubich who is the founder of this ideal was shown. The film which tells the story of a 17-year-old girl in her fight with cancer, her sufferings and her journey to sainthood, gave rise to very emotive moments.

During the two-day event, the participants of the meeting also shared their views and opinions. Activities were also organized for children participating in the program. 

Monsignor Paolo Bizzeti, the Apostolic Vicar and Bishop of Anatolia also contributed with a small presentation. 

Chiara Lubich and a few of her friends during the World War I launched the ideal of Focolare and it spread to many continents in the world.  The participants made a short visit to Iskenderun Karasun Manuk Armenian Church.

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