19 Nisan 2024 Cuma

On Saturday a Rosary prayer for Virgin Mary in will be organized

Every Saturday during the year is referred to Mother Mary, but the purpose of the prayer meetings during this month is that the various Christian Communities and Movements in Istanbul organize the rosary prayer in the direction of their own particular dates in May. The Rosary prayer in Istanbul will be held at the Sacre Coeur Church in Bebek on Saturday, May 5that 11 o’clock. A ceremony will be held in front of the Virgin Mary statues in the church garden.

During the ceremony, which is open to all Christians, flowers will be offered to the sculptures of Mother Mary in the garden of the church, which is also known as the Mother Mary of the Bosphorus Church. In addition to Turkish, the event will take place alsı in Italian, French, English and in other languages.


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