19 Nisan 2024 Cuma

Victims of the Zirve Publishing House Massacre are commemorated at their tombs

Tilman Geske, Necati Aydın and Uğur Yüksel who were killed in Malatya on 18 April 2007 at Zirve Publishing House, are commemorated with a ceremony held by Malatya Representative of the Association of Kurtuluş (Redemption) Churches. Many church leaders and faithful from different cities of Turkey participated in the ceremony.

During the ceremony, hymns were sung.

The song composed by Tilman Geske, by the name of “Hayatımı almaya layıksın” was sung and the “Benim adım göklerde yazılı” poem written by Necati Aydın is read from his book.

The participants prayed for the increase of peace and love in Turkey, the spead of the Good News and for Pastor Andrew Brunson who is detained in Turkey.

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