19 Nisan 2024 Cuma

Baptism of Jesus Christ in Mersin

One of the important feasts for Christians, Epiphany, that is, the Baptism Feast, was celebrated with a holy liturgy held in the morning in the Greek Orthodox Church of Mersin, on January 6, the Baptism feast of Jesus Christ, the day when Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, the last pioneer prophet of the Old Testament. At the end of the ritual, the consecration of the water was performed and the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus Christ was symbolized by the flying of the white dove. In his sermon in Holy Mass, Father İspir Teymur said, “It is not possible for our relationship with God to be a matter of fear or self-interest. This relationship is Love. The Lord God has appeared to us, so what he expects from us is to respond to him with love. With the descent of divine grace, the entire universe no longer dominates human life, but becomes a reason for human life.”

At the end of the ritual, he sprinkled water from the consecrated water on those who attended the ritual and blessed them.

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