19 Nisan 2024 Cuma

Christmas Day was celebrated with enthusiasm in Antioch-Samandağ

Christian citizens living in Samandağ celebrated Christmas with a holy ritual in the Church of Saint Elijah in the Cemal Gürsel neighborhood. The Christmas Rite, which was held on the night of December 24, was led by the parish priests Abdullah Trifon Yumurta and Dimyan Yakupoğlu.

Citizens participating in the church lit up candles. Father Abdullah Yumurta and Father Dimyan Yakupoğlu gave messages of unity and solidarity in their speech during the Christmas ceremony and wished the holidays to bring peace and happiness to all humanity.

After the holy ritual, a small cocktail was given in the church hall. At the event where the cake with the figure of Santa Claus was cut, the Christmas gifts were distributed to the congregation.

Samandağ District Governor Murat Kütük, Samandağ Mayor Att. Refik Eryilmaz, Samandag Chief Public Prosecutor Abdullah Fatih Bildik and District Police Chief Ramazan Ogun also attended the ceremony and congratulated the Christian citizens. (SAT-7 Türk / İlyas Edip TERBİYELİ-İskenderun)

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