19 Nisan 2024 Cuma

Colorful “Palm Sunday” Feast in the Iskenderun Orthodox Church

Iskenderun St. Nicholas Orthodox Church hosted the “Şağnini” (Flower Day-Palm Sunday) celebration last Sunday. The mass which ended with a tour of the church by the children with flowers in their hands and by some members of the congregation, became a scene with very colorful images.

The Orthodox faithful who will celebrate Easter this week, celebrated the Flower Day on last Sunday. Due to the Flower Day, masses were organized in İskenderun, Antakya, Samandağ, Altinözü and Mersin Orthodox Churches.

On Sunday, the feast mass held in Iskenderun St. Nicholas Orthodox Church was directed by Rev. Dimitri Yıldırım, the Parish Priest. During the mass, as a representation of the entrance of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem, Rev. Yıldırım and the children did a procession in the with candles and with flowers in their hands.

After the ceremony where the candles were burnt, an Easter bazaar is opened in the church garden. The members of the congregation who made the shopping for the Easter- specific ornamental items and the religious objects also shared their joy with each other.

The Holy Week began for the Orthodox community, which will endure until the Easter Sunday. The special masses to be held this week will help to remember Jesus Christ’s last week. The members of the congregation who will prepare colorful eggs on Easter Day, which means the resurrection of Jesus Christ, will celebrate each other after a special and magnificent ceremony.

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