19 Nisan 2024 Cuma

Courtesy Visit from TeK to Istanbul Mayor İmamoğlu

The President of the Association of Protestant Churches (TeK) and the Family Life Church pastor Ali Kalkandelen, Bible House Church pastor Behnan Konutgan the Anatolian Protestant Church Pastor Gürkan Çamsun paid a courtesy visit yesterday afternoon to Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu.

The meeting took place in Emirgan Beyaz Köşk and lasted about half an hour. The delegation congratulated İmamoğlu and wished him success. Ali Kalkandelen prayed for Imamoglu’s service and family.

Speaking about the problems of Christians, the delegation gave information about the problem of zoning faced by Protestant churches. İmamoğlu stated that they would consider all requests and want to have a healthy communication with the Protestant communities.

The delegation gave Imamoglu a Bible and a plaque in memory of the day.

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