19 Nisan 2024 Cuma

Palm Sunday celebrated at the Orthodox Churches

Preparing to enter the Holy Week, the Orthodox faithful supposed to celebrate the Flower Feast last Sunday. Due to the Flower Festival, the Sacred Rites that were planned to be held in Antakya, Samandağ, Altınözü, Mersin and İskenderun, could not be held for the coronavirus measures.

Jan Dellüler , one of the priests of Antakya Saints Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church , posted a message on his social media account due to the Palm Sunday: “Happy Palm Sunday. May the name of the Lord be blessed! Hosanna! Let our faith, our love and our brotherhood arise for our Lord Jesus Christ who entered Jerusalem on this holy day. Let us light candles in our for Jesus Christ.”

Another priest of the church, Dimitri Doğum said: “Today, we are celebrating the feast of entering of our Savior, our Lord Christ Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. May He bless us in our houses and hearts, our churches and protect us from all sorts of troubles, evils and epidemics. I wish everyone a happy Palm Sunday.” (SAT-7 TURK / İlyas Edip TERBİYELİ / İskenderun) 

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