3 Mayıs 2024 Cuma

Samandag Saint George Church Opened at the Feast of Assumption

The Mar Circus Church known as the St. George’s Church, which entered into service in Antiochia Samandağ district, opened with the ceremony of the ‘Feast of Ascension of Mary’.

Following the completion of the restoration of the Mar Circus Church and the Virgin Mary’s altar, the first celebration was held on the occasion of the feast of Assumption. The liturgy was led by the Patriarch-deputy Selefkiya Bishop Efraim Maluli. The parish priests of the Church of Antioch Dimitri Doğum and Can Dellüller, the parish priests of St. Cevarcios Church in Cologne Abdo Sabuncuoğlu and Pol Altındağ, parish priests of Samandağ Church Trifon Yumurta and Dimyan Yakupoglu and Deacon Pavlos Orduluoglu , the parish priest of the Armenian Churches of Antioch AvedisTabaşyan, Seminarists of Balamand University Apo Papaz and Yusuf Papaz also attended.

The feast celebrations in Samandağ continued with the dinner organized in the garden of St. Elias Church. Samandağ District Governor Murat Kütük and Samandağ Mayor Mithat Nehir, Samandağ District Police Chief Mustafa Ateş, Samandağ Municipality Assembly Member Nazire Berigel, Dr. Dimyan Emektaş and residents as well as many members of the community members from the region attended. Semir Yalçın, a favorite artist of Samandağ, perfomed at the event. (SAT-7 TÜRK / İskenderun)

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