3 Mayıs 2024 Cuma

Good Friday in Armenian Catholic Churches

On Friday, April 2, commemorations of the Great Week “Khaçelutyun” Crucifixion and “Taghum” Burial were held in Armenian Catholic Churches. On this day, which is the last day of the Lent period, the last ‘Way of the Cross’ of the year was made, commemorating the great suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ on the way to the cross and the sacrifice of his life on the Cross for us humans.

He would die on the Cross, as he foretold, but would be resurrected on the third day. This day is commemorated when Jesus Christ was crucified and suffered death, and priests who receive communion every day do not receive communion on this waiting day, which is the only day of the year, and they wait for Easter, the resurrection day, with prayers.

High Priest Vartan Kazancıyan, High Priest Abraham Fırat, Subordinate Deacon Jan Acemoğlu and reader Levon Yunkes attended the Mass at the Surp Hovhan Vosgeperan Church in Taksim, presided over by Archbishop Levon Zekiyan. Surp Hovhan Vosgeperan Choir sang chants under the direction of Conductor Zaven Agay. The ritual, which was closed to the congregation due to the pandemic, was broadcast live on the social media pages of the Taksim Surp Hovhan Vosgeperan Church.

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