3 Mayıs 2024 Cuma

‘The Lent’ Has Begun in Orthodox Churches

In Hatay, which is the region where the Orthodox population in our country is quite dense; Orthodox people in the districts of İskenderun, Antakya, Samandağ, Altınözü and Arsuz started the “Lent” after the “Not Eating White Carnival”. The Lent will last 49 days.

Before the Resurrection Day of the Orthodox Churches, the “Lent” started with the Not Eating White Carnival held last Sunday. Lent, In addition to fasting; It will also cover the Mystery of Prayer, Sacraments, Special Prayers, Repentance, and Confession.

The Lent begins 49 days before the feast day, when we celebrate the unique enthusiasm of the Easter (Resurrection) Feast in the Holy Orthodox Churches. In this context, the 49-day Lent has started with the Not Eating White Carnival celebrated last Sunday in all Orthodox Churches in the region.

 At the end of the special services held at the Iskenderun Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and Antakya Saints Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church, Samandağ Saint İlyas Greek Orthodox Church, Altınözü Sarılar Saint Gregorios Greek Orthodox Church, Altınözü Tokaçlı Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church and Arsuz Saint John Greek Orthodox Churches, the entire Orthodox Congregation in the region entered the Lent before Easter. Orthodox in the region started the Meat Fast with another carnival celebrated a week ago.

The Sunday when the Carnival of Not Eating White (Milk and Dairy Products) is celebrated in Orthodox Churches is also called the Sunday of Forgiveness (Forgiveness) in the liturgical language. At the end of the Lent, Easter will be celebrated with enthusiasm. (SAT-7 Turk/İlyas Edip TERBİYELİ-İskenderun)

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