1 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba

Intense Participation in the Christmas Celebration at the Saint Anthony’s Parish in Beyoğlu

The Christmas solemnity was celebrated on Monday, December 24 at the Latin Catholic Basilica of Saint Anthony in Beyoğlu.

The vigil mass started with an intense participation through the hymns sang by the parish choir.

Along with the hymns, the priests and the altar servants went through the censer and the congregation, and then proceeded towards the altar where the sacred Eucharist is prepared.

After the hymns, the historic Calenda prayer was read. Through this reading, God’s creation of the world and of human being and the salvation through Jesus Christ were remembered.

Father Anton Bulai took the baby Jesus from the Nativity Scene and placed it on the altar.

In the following part of the ritual, the Word of God was read by the congregation (Isa. 9: 1-6, Titus 2: 11-14). The Gospel of the day was Luke 2: 1-14. Fr. Anton gave the sermon in order to encourage the faithful with the explanation of the Word of God on the mystery of the Nativity.

Father Anton said that the pine trees are always green, and they represent the everlasting life, and that the ornamental balls were reminiscent of the sins of Adam and Eve. Finally, he emphasized that light of the miraculous birth shows God’s love and illuminates the darkness like the lights in the Christmas tree (SAT-7 TÜRK).

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