3 Mayıs 2024 Cuma

The Joy of Baptism in the Cankurtaran Church

Four people were baptized at the ceremony on Sunday, October 27 at the Üsküdar Cankurtaran Church. It was stated that 16 people were baptized in the church in the last two months, accepting Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior.

Pastor Hakan Taştan, the president of the Cankurtaran Church Association, said that they were pleased to see new lives saved, by accepting Jesus Christ and receiving baptism. Stating that baptism is not an end but a beginning in the faith, Taştan said, “The way is Jesus. Will you go back in times of trouble, or will you keep walking with the Lord? That’s the point. God changes, empowers people. The Lord is good and true. Therefore, it guides the sinners. He teaches them His ways. If you follow the commandments of the Lord, justice and love will follow you.”

After accepting Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior, the four church members, who decided to be baptized, confessed their faith before the congregation and were baptized by Pasteur Hakan Taştan at the end of the ritual.

After baptism, as the old life was buried in water, halva was distributed for those who were baptized.

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