29 Nisan 2024 Pazartesi

Pentecost Celebrated in Armenian Catholic Churches

Pentecost, the feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit (Hokekalust) is one of the major feasts in Armenian Catholic churches in Turkey, was celebrated with rites held on Sunday, May 23.

High Priest Hagopos Çopuryan, Der HaygAram Çekiç, Subordinate Deacon Jan Acemoğlu and readers also attended the Mass held in Taksim Surp Hovhan Vosgeperan Church, presided over by Archpriest Vartan Kazancıyan.

Taksim Surp Hovhan Vosgeperan Choir sang hymns under the direction of Chief Zaven Agay in the ceremony that started with the ‘Rosary Prayer’ due to May. The ceremony, which was closed to the congregation due to the pandemic, was shared live on the social media pages of the Surp Hovhan Vosgeperan Church.

Feast of Pentecost

Pentecost (Hokekalust) is the feast of the Holy Spirit. Meaning of the word; It means the Fiftieth Day and refers to the 50th day after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because the Lord Jesus Christ, who appeared to the apostles many times after his resurrection and continued to live on earth for 40 days, said, as he ascended to heaven on the 40th day, “-…the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, remind you of all that I have said. ”, giving the good news that the “Holy Spirit” will descend upon them soon.

Indeed, the 50th day; When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were together.

Suddenly, a sound came from the sky, like a strong wind blowing, and completely filled the house where they were. They saw something like tongues of fire scatter and descend upon each of them. All the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues in which the Spirit made them speak…

The Holy Spirit came on the 50th day, as the Lord Jesus Christ foretold, and has become the true life energy and primary source of spiritual life for all believers.

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