29 Nisan 2024 Pazartesi

Syriac Community Reaches Its Place of Worship

The first church built in the history of the Republic is 80 percent complete. The Mor Efrem Syriac Ancient Orthodox Church in Yeşilköy, whose foundation was laid in 2019 with a ceremony attended by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is expected to be opened to service by September.

The church is of historical importance as it is not only the first Syriac Church but also the first church built in the history of the Republic. The church, whose fine works have been started, bears the traces of both modern architecture and traditional Syriac culture. The bell tower of the church, which was built on 700 square meters of the area where the Latin Catholic Cemetery is located in Yeşilköy, was inspired by the monasteries in Mardin. In the church named Mor Efrem, a terrace was built like the churches in the city.

One floor of the church, which was designed as five floors, was reserved for the cultural hall where the congregation would gather after the liturgy, ceremonies such as baptism, condolences and weddings, as well as meetings and conferences would be held. On the ground floor of the church, where the rituals are held, there is also the metropolitan living area, guest rooms and parking lot. The building, which is planned to be opened in August-September, is aimed to serve approximately 17 thousand Assyrians residing in the city.

Sait Susin, President of the Istanbul Assyrian Ancient Foundation

Sait Susin, President of the Istanbul Assyrian Ancient Foundation, explained that the Assyrians who came to Istanbul after the 1950s prayed in the church in Tarlabaşı, but since this was not enough, they also used 6 sister churches belonging to other communities.

Susin said that they could not fit into the church in Tarlabaşı, that their rituals did not match with other churches and that they had time problems, and that they needed a new church. Stating that it was decided to build the church in the area where the Latin Catholic Cemetery is located in Yeşilköy after their demands, Susin explained that this area was given to Latin Catholics as a cemetery in the past and that no burial has been made since 1996. Noting that the graves were preserved untouched while the church was being built, Susin shared the information, “Our church was built on an area of ​​around 1200-1300 square meters in the front of the cemetery, which settled on an area of ​​700 square meters.”

Reminding that a church was built for the first time in the history of the Republic, Susin said, “Our state and government responded to our request with sensitivity. Here, the will of our President is very important from beginning to end. We hope and wish that he will not leave us alone at the opening and be with us again. We would like to express our endless gratitude to everyone who contributed, especially to our President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who gave permission and helped us,” he said.

Sait, stating that the architecture of the church was influenced by modern architecture as well as the Syriac Church and monasteries in Mardin, he said that the construction will be completed after the completion of the 20 percent of the fine workmanship. (AA)

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