17 Mayıs 2024 Cuma

Kitap Dinler (Book Listener) Reached 20 Thousand Users

Kitap Dinler, Turkey’s first and only completely free and unregistered Audiobook Application, started broadcasting in March 2021.

Kitap Dinler, which started its broadcasting life with the slogan of “Listen, Think and Change”, aimed to offer a different voice to its users with the Audio Book and Podcast application.

Kitap Dinler application, which increases the variety of books and podcasts every day, continues its broadcasting service with over 100 books and many podcasts to date. It tries to deliver audiobooks and podcasts to Turkish speakers all over the world. Especially; It reached more than 20 thousand users in many parts of the world in a short time, mainly in Turkey, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Germany and America.

With Kitap Dinler;

  • You can listen to all the books and Podcasts for free.
  • You can create your own library with different book and Podcast options.
  • You can download any book and Podcast you want and continue to use it without internet.
  • You can adjust the listening speed as you wish and you can choose a theme according to your own taste.
  • You can take notes and share the book you want with your loved ones.

Within the application, it offers a variety of books of many different genres such as World Classics, Personal Development Books and Research articles. This non-profit and completely volunteer-run project aims to reach 45 thousand users by the end of 2022.


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