17 Mayıs 2024 Cuma

Deputy Bishop Monsignor Ilgıt Performed His First Mass

Anatolian Apostolic Vicar Bishop Monsignor Antuan Ilgıt, whose Episcopal Consecration was held with a magnificent ceremony last Saturday, met with young people at the Istanbul Holy Spirit (Saint Esprit) Cathedral for his first service.

Monsignor Ilgıt, responsible for Catholic Youth in Turkey, performed the “World Youth Day Eucharistic Service” in Istanbul and shared information with young people at the cocktail and movie night held after the service.

At the service held on Sunday, November 26, at the Istanbul Holy Spirit Cathedral, together with Monsignor Antuan, Istanbul Apostolic Vicar Monsignor Massimiliano Palinuro, Turkish Vatican Ambassador Monsignor Marek Solczynski, Anatolian Apostolic Vicar and Bishop Monsignor Paolo Bizzeti, Chaldean Catholic Church Diyarbakir Archbishop Sabri Anar and Deputy Patriarch of the Assyrian Catholic Church, Monsignor Orhan Çanlı, and Senior Father Vartan Kazancıyan from the Armenian Catholic Church were also present.

At the end of the service, Victor Yüklen, speaking on behalf of the Catholic Youth Commission, expressed his gratitude to Bishop Monsignor Antuan and all the bishops who attended the service: “Thank you, Mr. Monsignor Antuan Ilgıt! We would like to thank you once again on behalf of the youth commission and all young people. “We believe that you will always continue to brighten our future with your prayers and leadership, and we hope that you will be with us,” he said.


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