30 Nisan 2024 Salı

His Beatitude Patriarch Sahak II was Enthusiastically Welcomed in Vakıflıköy

Armenian Patriarch of Turkey His Beatitude Sahak II was welcomed with enthusiasm in Vakıflıköy, traditionally accompanied by drums and zurna. And then he entered the Vakıflıköy Surp Advadzadzin Church with “Hırashapar” prayers.

On Sunday, August 16, Turkish Armenian Patriarch His Beatitude Sahak II entered Vakıflıköy in Hatay, which is the only Armenian village in Turkey, to preside over Asdvadzadzin (Virgin Mary) Feast, one of the five major holidays of the Armenian Church calendar. The fact that a Patriarch visited their village for the first time after 13 years created a great excitement among the people of the village. At the entrance of the village, the people welcomed His Beatitude Patriarch Sahak II with great enthusiasm, who was traditionally awaited with local dances accompanied by drums. When he got off the vehicle, Cem Çapar, Chairman of the Board of Vakıflıköy Surp Asdvadzadzin Church, and Father Avedis Tabaşyan, the chaplain of the church, were also present and offered their welcome on behalf of the village.

Patriarch Sahak II, then entered the church with the prayers of “Hırashapar”, accompanied by Father Avedis Tabaşyan, Father Şirvan Mürzyan and readers of the church.Here again, Father Tabaşyan expressed the joy and happiness of a Patriarch visiting the village and church after 13 years and said “welcome” on their behalf.

During the short speech of His Beatitude Patriarch Sahak II, he talked about how he visited this beautiful village as a Deacon, Priest and Bishop before and he expressed his happiness about visiting this village as the Turkish Armenian Patriarch this time. He expressed that he wanted to talk with the people of the village and listen to their problems and troubles during his visit. Patriarch Sahak II, also stated that he would preside over the ceremony on Sunday, rested after the Lord’s Prayer.

After his five-day visit, His Beatitude Patriarch Sahak II will return to Istanbul.

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