29 Nisan 2024 Pazartesi

Women Gathered for the Joy of Nativity

The Christmas Celebration, organized exclusively for women by Bilge Kadın (Wise Woman) Services, was held on Saturday, December 18, 2021, with the participation of women from different churches in Istanbul.

The event, where the brothers from the Dirisu Church led the worship time, started with hymns and prayers. At the time of worship, when Christmas carols were sung, the women offered their thanks to God.

Touching on the subject of “God’s reliability”, Madlen Özçelik said, “We cannot thank God enough. We see the words of praise in the prayer of Zechariah and Mary. The more we value God’s word, the better we will understand it. We must not only understand. It is important to hope in Him and to know that He really exists.”

After the sharing, a violin concert was presented by the sister named Elfida.

At the time of the testimony, Elif Susmak from the Zeytinburnu Church of the Believers of Jesus Christ shared how she accepted the Lord. Then, a short video about the birth of Jesus Christ was watched together.

The Christmas celebration ended with hymns and prayers. (SAT-7 TURK/SMY)

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