16 Mayıs 2024 Perşembe

The Crucifixion of Christ in the Armenian Apostolic Church in Iskenderun

The death of Jesus Christ on the Cross was commemorated with sadness at the ceremony held in the Karasun Manuk Armenian Church in Iskenderun. During the ceremony, the representative body of Jesus Christ, decorated with flowers, was circulated in the church.

In addition to the Armenian community in Iskenderun, citizens from other denominations also attended the holy liturgy directed by Avedis Tabasyan, Religious Officer in Charge of the Anatolian and Hatay Armenian Churches. The ritual, in which prayers were said and Letters from the Bible were read, lasted about an hour.

Father Avedis Tabaşyan, emphasized that Jesus Christ went to death by carrying the sins of all people in his sermon.

Also during the Holy Mass, the body of Christ, decorated with flowers, was circulated in the church by the members of the congregation who attended the service. In line with the tradition that has been going on for years, everyone who participated in the ceremony passed under the tomb standing in front of the Altar, and the ceremony ended with the distribution of flowers adorning the tomb. (SAT-7 Turk/İlyas Edip TERBİYELİ-İskenderun)

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