1 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba

Minority Community Foundations Summit in Izmir

Minority Community Foundations Summit was held in İzmir between 25-27 April within the scope of the EU Civil Society Support Program Despertar İzmir Project. Organized by the Izmir Jewish Community Foundation, the summit was financed by the European Union.

Representatives of the Regional Directorate of Foundations, the Presidency of the European Union, the Delegation of the European Union, the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, the Jewish, Greek, Armenian and Assyrian Communities attended this important meeting.

During the two and a half days, the following targets were achieved at the summit:

  • Sharing the Despertar Izmir project with representatives of other community foundations and opinion leaders in Turkey
  • Sharing the strategic plan of the Izmir Jewish Community Foundation
  • Demonstrating the work done by the Izmir Jewish Community Foundation (cultural heritage studies, collaborations with non-governmental organizations and local governments)
  • To facilitate discussion and exchange of views on the problems and needs of community foundations.

Among the 167 community foundations in Turkey, the Jewish community in Izmir is the only foundation in the city. The first opening speech was made by the President of the Izmir Jewish Foundation, Avram Sevinti, and he especially explained the meaning of the word “Despertar”, which means “awakening” in Ladino, and the place given to the youth of the community. Avram Sevinti also gave information about the restoration works carried out in different synagogues.

On Tuesday, the General Coordinator of the Office of the Representative of Community Foundations – and the only woman – Muteber Yılmazcan Simonetti took the floor and talked about the projects supported by the EU. Afterwards, Ceki Hazan reported on the events organized in Despertar.

The necessary supervision mechanism, the necessary professional work of foundations, equal citizenship as in the Ottoman Empire, the need to join forces of foundations, and support from the state were discussed.

The last panel of the day was on “Minorities and anti-discrimination”. The moderator role was taken by Ferhat Kentel (BAYETAV General Coordinator), Yelda Şimşir (İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Urban Justice Equal Branch Office), Sevan Ataoğlu (ADIP Platform General Secretary), Dr. Nesrin Uçarlar (Hrant Dink Foundation) and Dr. Özgür Kaymak (Researcher, Academician) were the speakers.

On Wednesday morning, the last panel of the summit on “Education, Schools and Youth” took place. The moderator was, Ceki Hazan (İzmir Jewish Community Foundation Education Coordinator), and the speakers were, İoakim Kamburopulos (Gökçeada Greek High School Principal), Röne Kaspi (Ulus Private Jewish Schools Education Coordinator), İnci Atacan (Private Mor Efrem Syriac Kindergarten Coordinator), Nurhan Palakoğlu ( Feriköy S.Vartanants Armenian Church Administrative Board member responsible for the school) and Rita Nurnur (Bomonti Mhitaryan School Foundation Board President) introduced these different educational institutions by taking the floor in order, both with the help of videos and their explanations.

A cultural tour was held to finish off this rich and intense program of two and a half days. With the Levantine guide Enriko Filipuçi, the Algaze Synagogue and Bikur Holim Synagogue, and finally the Latin Catholic Churches of Santa Maria and Saint Polycarp were visited for a few hours. (SAT-7 TÜRK/İZMİR-Nathalie Ritzmann)

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