15 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba

Easter Mass at St. Peter’s Church

The Easter Mass was celebrated in the Church of Saint Pierre in Antioch, the first church in the world, which suffered great losses in the earthquake disaster two months ago. The Easter Mass, which was held with special permission, was presided over by the Apostolic Vicar and Bishop of Anatolia Paolo Bizzeti, accompanied by Antuan Ilgıt, Vicar General of the Apostolic Diocese of Anatolia, Father Dariusz Dogondke, Father of Iskenderun Catholic Church, and Father Avedis Tabaşyan, Chaplain of the Armenian Churches of Hatay.

Parishioners and priests, who traveled by bus from the Iskenderun Cathedral to Saint Pierre Church, celebrated Easter Mass in the cave church in the ancient city of Antioch, which was hit hard by the catastrophe of the century. Monsignor Bizzeti thanked the state leaders and authorities who gave the necessary permission to hold services in the church, which has been turned into a museum, and prayed for them.

Antuan Ilgıt, Vicar General of the Apostolic Vicariate and Diocese of Anatolia, who preached at the service, also expressed his thanks to the authorities.

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