16 Mayıs 2024 Perşembe

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Visits Armenian Catholic Archdiocese

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, together with his delegation, paid a special visit to the Armenian Catholic Archdiocese on Tuesday, June 6th.

The meetings, hosted by the Armenian Catholic Community leader Archbishop Levon Zekiyan, took place in an atmosphere of great friendship.

Emphasizing the historical significance of the visit and the importance of inter-church friendship, Archbishop Levon Zekiyan read the text he prepared to the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, in their presence, and explained the importance of this visit by emphasizing our commonalities in the historical process and especially the unity of the churches and peace through the saints. He finished his words by saying; “I pray for the endless blessings and donations of Almighty God to you and to the believers, our country and all humanity, whom the Grace of God has delivered to your spiritual efforts, and I sincerely hope that the strong protection and blessings of our Virgin Mary, Theotokos, and Mother of Astvatzatzin will not be missing from you and from all your good intentions” 

Afterwards, after the special prayer made together in the Patriarchate Church, the delegation offered a dinner to share and received flowers and gifts from Bomonti Mıhitaryan students and Foundation administrators.

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