16 Mayıs 2024 Perşembe

Uyanış Gençliği (Awakening Youth) Continues Online Meetings

Young people, who could not come together for a long time due to the pandemic, continue to meet online. The program, broadcast on YouTube on Saturday, April 24, began with 1 John 4:7-11.

“My dear brothers, let us love one another. Because love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Who does not love does not know God. Because God is love. God sent Him into the world that we might live through His only-begotten Son, thus showing His love for us. We did not love God, but he loved us and sent his Son into the world as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. That’s what love is. My dear brothers and sisters, since God loves us so much, we are indebted to love one another.”

With Ali Farajullayev leading the worship time, the meeting continued with Turkish hymns and prayers. Afterwards, the theatrical play, “Seeing the Work of Jesus in Our Lives” was staged. At the time of prayer, by going before God for ‘Awareness of SMA Disease’,

  • For the miraculous healing of the Lord to be seen in these precious sick children,
  • For the Lord to give them strength and peace in this great effort of families to reach the cure,
  • For families to keep their hopes up,
  • In order to increase the number of sensitive people and institutions that support families in this difficult struggle and to provide the most successful drugs in treatment by SSI,
  • It was prayed that the tests necessary to prevent the disease would be included in the scope of premarital health tests.

Before the program, a chat time was created with the participation of Christian youth from different cities via Zoom.

  • The Bible says ‘God is Love’. What does this word mean to you?
  • In what ways can we show our love for brothers and sisters?
  • What are the obstacles to love?
  • Do you think we can show our love to each other enough during the pandemic? A sharing was made on these topics.

Speaker Carlos Madrigal shared on the topic ‘We Owe to Love’. “I have a responsibility to the Greeks and the non-Greeks, to the wise and the ignorant. That is why I look forward to proclaiming the gospel to you in Rome as well as I can. Because I am not ashamed of the Gospel. The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe—first the Jews, then the Gentiles.”

Speaking on Romans 1:14-16, Madrigal says, “Before they come to the Lord, people feel indebted to God. We feel indebted because we are not meeting God’s standards. On the other hand, we say, ‘No one can interfere with me, no one can interfere in my life’. When we came to the Lord, our account with God was cleared because the Lord paid off our debt. Jesus Christ paid the full price. From the moment God clears our account, we assume a new debt. From the moment we believe, we owe it to all people. We owe it to everyone to tell the Gospel. This was a word that strengthened Paul. Because he was encouraging and moving Paul. At the same time, we owe it to love everyone. We should not owe anything to anyone but love. We should try to pay our debt of love and sharing the gospel to people we see as weak or different from ourselves, to people we cannot come together with under normal conditions, or to people we see as enemies.” (SAT-7 TÜRK/SMY)

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