15 Mayıs 2024 Çarşamba

A Meeting about the Earthquake Resistance of the Armenian Minority School Buildings was Held

Upon the invitation of the Armenian Patriarch of Turkey, His Beatitude Sahak II, a meeting was held on the earthquake resistance of the Armenian minority school buildings, in the Bezciyan Hall of the Patriarchate Church.

A consultation meeting on earthquake resistance of the school buildings was held at the Bezciyan Hall of the Patriarchate Church at 15:00 on Tuesday, September 1, 2020, upon the invitation of the Patriarch Sahak II.

The meeting, chaired by His Beatitude the Patriarch, was attended by Deputy Patriarch Senior Father Krikor Damadyan, “ERVAB” and Surp Pırgiç Armenian Hospital Foundation Chairman Bedros Şirinoğlu, Armenian minority schools administrators, founding representatives and directors, a group of “HAYCAR” experts led by Kevork Özkaragöz, and the press.

Sahak Maşalyan made the opening prayer of the meeting and greeted the participants. After expressing his satisfaction with the presence of the participants, Maşalyan talked to the participants about two issues. He congratulated the school representatives on the beginning of the new academic year and wished them success. In this context, he underlined that during the coronavirus and pandemic process, distance education continues. Within this system, students were following their lessons through computers at home. Patriarch Sahak II stated that, according to the information he received, there were students who did not have a computer and therefore they could not follow the course. By bringing this situation to the attention of the participants, he stated that a campaign will be started under the leadership of the Patriarchate to meet the computer needs and wished the support of the schools regarding this matter. Later, referring to the hygiene rules in indoor areas, he reminded that a company representative related to this issue visited the Patriarchate recently and that they were ready to serve the schools.

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